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Agatha Raisin Netflix

Agatha Raisin Season 4: Get Ready for the Premiere!

A Glimpse into the Upcoming Season

Calling all Agatha Raisin enthusiasts! The beloved detective is making her triumphant return for a fourth season, and we're excited to announce the highly anticipated air date. So, mark your calendars and prepare yourself for another thrilling adventure with the indomitable Agatha.

Intriguing Mysteries and Captivating Characters

Season 4 promises to be an unforgettable ride for viewers, with a captivating new mystery unfolding in each episode. Get ready to witness Agatha's sharp wit and fierce determination as she unravels complex puzzles and uncovers hidden secrets. From murder and intrigue to romance and humor, the upcoming season is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
